- January 2, 2020
- Category: News

Dear our customers, suppliers, colleagues, and friends,
We are about to exit one decade and enter another one. I always enjoy the Christmas season with all its hygge (fun and contentment) but it is the New Year which really gets me excited. I always enjoy reflecting back over the past year and planning for the year ahead.
The United Kingdom will see a lot of changes in the decade to come. It will not be easy but there will be a lot of new business opportunities and I am very optimistic that we will be able to do well in this new landscape. I think that 2020 will be the year when the environment will finally be taken seriously; low sulphur fuel, hybrid/electric lorries and green ports is only the start. The opportunities for new developments in the logistics industry will be huge and they will lead to close cooperation with industrialists depending on secure and environmentally safe transport.
Our businesses have performed as well as expected in a difficult market throughout 2019. We have entered two new ventures this year: built new warehousing near Immingham and signed new business in Banbury, which makes for an exciting year ahead. We hope to step up our developments and continue under the headings of Ships – Lorries – Ports.
As you may know we stopped sending Christmas cards over 20 years ago and instead give to our chosen charity. Thank you to all who sent us cards although we did not send one back. Our charity for the coming year is again The Daisy Appeal, which through its PET-CT scanning centre is making big inroads into the accurate detection of the three biggest killer diseases – such a good cause.
For the 17th year in succession our 2020 calendar picture is painted by the Danish Artist Jacob Herskind. Jacob has had a close connection to Danbrit since our formation and his artwork raises a smile when we arrive at work every day.
May I on behalf of my colleagues and myself thank you all for your valued support during the past year, we are all looking forward to developing new opportunities and working on new challenges in the coming year for mutual benefit. Eyes down for a full house!
Wishing you all a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year in 2020.